4BR duplex house for sale minglanilla highlands

Cebu, Minglanilla, Tubod
Sale: ₱ 4,469,300
4 Bedroom House for sale in Tubod, Cebu
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Listing ID: 4BR duplex minglanilla highlands house for sale

4 Bedroom House for sale in Tubod, Cebu

Product DetailsMinglanilla HighlandsLTS No.: 032 – 776CR No.: 028 – 423
4BR duplex Minglanilla highlands house for sale minglanilla cebu.#Minglanillahighlandsduplexhouseforsale#townhouseforsaleminglanillahighlandscebuWe are excited to announce the NEW SUBDIVISION which will rise in the SOUTH!The Biggest Lifestyle Destination in Minglanilla, Cebu that will transform tourism in the South.Minglanilla Highlands... more than just an addressMINGLANILLA HIGHLANDS is the new brand of "AFFORDABLE LUXURY RESIDENCES" by Sterlingland Residences and Development Inc. It boasts a SPECTACULAR VIEW of the sea and the city, having been nestled at the top of the most beautiful scenic spot in Tubod, Minglanilla. This will be a HIGHLY COVETED and MOST PRESTIGIOUS address in Minglanilla with no less than the World Renowned Urban Planner, Architect JUN PALAFOX, doing the Conceptual Master Plan with modern international house designs, only for discriminating taste of the Filipinos.Minglanilla HighlandsLTS No.: 032 - 776CR No.: 028 - 423RESERVATION FOR HIGHLANDSTOWN-HOUSE - 20,000DUPLEX - 25,000SINGLE DETACHED PRIME - 50,000SINGLE DETACHED REGULAR - 40,000SINGLE ATTACHED - 30,000DuplexLot area: 80sqmFloor area: 114.40sqm4 Bedrooms3 Toilet & bath2 Car parkTotal Contract Price: 4,469,300 - 4,678,300.00
Reservation Fee: 25,00020% Downpayment payable in 36 months 24,135/month80% Balance payable in Bank or Inhouse Financing
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Details on Jude Embrado/Cebudreaminvestment

Listing provided by Jude Embrado/Cebudreaminvestment, Cebu City, Lalawigan ng Cebu, Pilipinas. Jude Embrado/Cebudreaminvestment has 2,943 other listings.

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