Prisma Residences ASTRA 3BR 83.50sqm RFO in Pasig near Ortigas

Metro Manila, Pasig, Maybunga
Sale: ₱ 10,951,000
3 Bedroom Condo for sale in Prisma Residences, Maybunga, Metro Manila
Full description

Listing ID: 7c017222-92fc-41c9-b7cb-5fc96c5a0578

3 Bedroom Condo for sale in Prisma Residences, Maybunga, Metro Manila

Prisma Residences
Pasig Boulevard Brgy Bagong Ilog Pasig City


Astra Building
3 Bedrooms - 83.50 sqm
Unit 4216 (42nd Floor)
Facing Ortigas Skyline

Unit Area: 70.00 sqm
Balcony: 13.50 sqm
TOTAL: 83.50 sqm

Reservation: 20,000.00
30% Downpayment: 3,133,888.00

70% Bank Financing: 8,462,932.80
Estimate Bank Amortization
10 yrs: 92K
15 yrs: 70K
20 yrs: 59K

For Inquiry
Raphael Galvez 0916305----
Key features
  • Swimming pool Icon Swimming pool
  • Security Icon Security
  • Garden Icon Garden
  • Children's area Icon Children's area
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Details on Raphael Galvez (RAP)

Listing provided by Raphael Galvez (RAP), DMCI Homes Corporate Center, A.Apolinario, Makati, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Raphael Galvez (RAP) has 459 other listings.

To view this property or request more detail contact the Agent by Calling or Emailing.

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